I believe that we each want to better understand ourselves; make ourselves known to the people who matter to us most; deepen and uplift our relationships, and heal what may be broken between us. We can do this by writing forever letters.
Write What You Believe for Those You Love
Forever letters share our wisdom and personal stories; express our love and gratitude; accept responsibility for misunderstandings and hurts; ask for forgiveness and forgive. Writing forever letters is a transformational experience, taking us to our ultimate truth, our authentic self. Receiving forever letters is also transformational: they are a priceless gift of support and connection.
“More than any time in our recent history, it’s critically important for families to come together and share their love and support for one another. Elana Zaiman’s The Forever Letter offers tools, guidelines, and examples for grandparents and parents to share their love, respect, and values with the next generation.”
“The Forever Letter is one of those rare books that could change your life. It is chock full of stories—from the author’s own life and from the lives of hundreds of people she’s worked with—that will inspire readers of all ages to reflect on what and who is important to them and to express these values and this bond in a letter to a loved one. The author’s gorgeous writing is mesmerizing and intimate and insightful and will get you writing even if you are no writer.”
“I love this little book because it’s about writing real letters, a lost art in our time. Even more important, it’s about writing letters that matter to people who matter to us. What could be better than putting words to paper to tell people who we are and what we are becoming, and what it is that we cherish and value—thanking them for the way they helped point us toward our own North Star?”